World languages
DAZ/DAF Die Familie, Kreuzworträtsel (German / Deutsch)
Die Familie, Kreuzworträtsel
A fun activity to review vocabulary on family members in German.
Answer key’s included.
*Familie, Familienmitglieder, DaZ, DaF, Deutsch, Wortschatz.
DAZ/DAF Kausalsätze (die Konjunktionen denn, weil und da)
Kausalsätze (die Konjunktionen denn, weil und da) Arbeitsblatt
Causal clause in German (the conjunctions denn, weil and da) Worksheet
3 pages explanations and exercises.
Answer key’s included.
Idioms Crossword Puzzle-1
Idioms Crossword Puzzle (22 idioms)
For each idiom, there’s an explanation and an example sentence with one missing word. Idioms in the sentences are written in bold letters. To complete the crossword puzzle, the missing word in the idiom must be found.
Idioms used in the puzzle:
have a finger in every pie
turn the page
mind your own business
hit the books
in seventh heaven
have a heart of stone
build bridges
turn tail
a needle in a haystack
pull a rabbit out of your hat
a pipe dream
fill someone’s boots
give someone enough rope
someone’s ears are burning
get someone’s goat
my lips are sealed
reinvent the wheel
kick the bucket
like a flash
a piece of cake
be curtains for someone
mend fences
DAZ/DAF Länder und Sprachen (German for Beginners)
Länder und Sprachen (Countries and Languages)
Page 1: table of countries and languages in German
Pages 2-3-4: exercises
Pages 5-6: answer key
Welche Sprachen spricht man in Italien?
In Italien spricht man Italienisch.
Wie heißt die Hauptstadt von Deutschland?
Die Hauptstadt von Deutschland heißt/ist Berlin.
Sprichst du Japanisch? / Sprechen Sie Japanisch?
▪ Ja, ich spreche sehr gut Japanisch.
▪ Ja, ich spreche ein bisschen Japanisch.
▪ Nein, ich spreche kein Wort Japanisch.
Capital Cities in The World Crossword Puzzle
Capital Cities in The World Crossword Puzzle
25 capital cities
Helsinki - Finland
Brussels - Belgium
Tokyo - Japan
Vienna - Austria
London - England
Seoul - South Korea
Ankara - Turkey
Washington - The USA
Madrid - Spain
Copenhagen - Denmark
Berlin - Germany
Rome - Italy
Moscow - Russia
Bern - Switzerland
Beijing - China
Ottawa - Canada
Warsaw - Poland
Stockholm - Sweden
Lisbon - Portugal
Edinburgh - Scotland
Paris - France
Athens - Greece
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
Brasilia - Brazil
Canberra - Australia
Idioms Crossword Puzzle-4 (feeling/emotion-related idioms)
Idioms Crossword Puzzle (20 feeling/emotion-related idioms)
with answer key
Idioms used in the puzzle are:
wear his heart on his sleeve, sinking feeling, down in the dumps, over the moon, afraid of her own shadow, be on edge, fool’s paradise, no hard feelings, as hard as nails, lose my cool, tongue-tied, go bananas, guilty pleasure, get up on the wrong side of the bed, butterflies in my stomach, a fish out of water, make my flesh creep, a cold fish, not turn a hair, make my blood boil.
Winter Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle
Winter Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle
30 words to find!
Answer key’s included.
Words used in the puzzle: beret, blanket, blizzard, boots, chilly, Christmas, coat, cold, cough, cozy, December, earmuffs, February, fireplace, flu, freezing, gloves, ice, icicle, icy, January, scarf, skating, skiing, sled, sleet, snow, snowman, snowy, wind.
TR Country Names in Turkish Crossword Puzzle
Country Names in Turkish Crossword Puzzle
İngiltere - England
Fransa - France
Çin - China
Avustralya - Australia
Kanada - Canada
Hollanda - The Netherlands
Portekiz - Portugal
Bulgaristan - Bulgaria
İtalya - Italy
Yunanistan - Greece
Polonya - Poland
Avusturya - Austria
Danimarka - Denmark
Finlandiya - Finland
Belçika - Belgium
İsveç - Sweden
Japonya - Japan
İsviçre - Switzerland
Türkiye - Turkey
Brezilya - Brazil
İskoçya - Scotland
İspanya - Spain
Rusya - Russia
Almanya - Germany
Idioms Crossword Puzzle-2 (money-related idioms)
Idioms Crossword Puzzle (14 money-related idioms and answer key)
For each idiom, there’s an explanation and an example sentence with one missing word. Idioms in the sentences are written in bold letters. To complete the crossword puzzle, the missing word in the idiom must be found.
Idioms used in the puzzle:
pay on the nail
make ends meet
nest egg
bring home the bacon
cash cow
daylight robbery
break the bank
in the hole
cost you an arm and a leg
go Dutch
for peanuts
hit the jackpot
go broke
tighten your belt
Idioms Crossword Puzzle-3 (success-related idioms)
Idioms Crossword Puzzle (20 success-related idioms and answer key)
For each idiom, there’s an explanation and an example sentence with one missing word. Idioms in the sentences are written in bold letters. To complete the crossword puzzle, the missing word in the idiom must be found.
Idioms used in the puzzle:
save the day
a flash in the pan
go like a bomb
the sky’s the limit
back on the rails again
get a foot in the door
reach for the stars
be coming up roses
play your cards right
a near thing
dip a toe
make a big splash
a roaring success
kill two birds with one stone
have something to your credit
bear fruit
have the last laugh
be going places
with flying colors
put all your eggs in one basket
DAZ/DAF Gegenteile von Adjektiven, Kreuzworträtsel
A crossword puzzle with answer key
It’s a good exercise for students to learn adjectives with their antonyms and learn the spelling of them.
Earth Day, Word Search Puzzle
Earth Day, Word Search Puzzle
Answer key’s included.
The words used in the puzzle are:
DAZ/DAF Zahlen, Uhrzeiten (German for Beginners)
Numbers, telling the time in German
Zahlen, Uhrzeiten
4 pages explanations and exercises!
Answer key’s included.
a) Informelle Uhrzeit
b) Formelle Uhrzeit
Mother's Day Adjectives Word Search Puzzle
Mother’s Day Adjectives Word Search Puzzle
Answer key’s included.
The adjectives used in the puzzle are:
accepting, beautiful, brave, caring, devoted, empowering, encouraging, forgiving, friendly, helpful, incomparable, inspiring, kind, loving, motivating, patient, perfect, polite, precious, protective, selfless, supportive, strong, tolerant, understanding, unique, warm, wise.
DAZ/DAF Wochentage, Monate, Jahreszeiten, Temporale Präpositionen: im/um/am
Wochentage, Monate, Jahreszeiten, Temporale Präpositionen: um, im, am (German for Beginners)
days of the week, months, seasons, prepositions of time in German
3 pages tables and exercises!
Answer key’s included.
My Body / Body Parts Worksheet
My Body / Body Parts, Worksheet (with the answer key)
The words used in the worksheet are head, hair, neck, face, chest, shoulder, arm, stomach, belly, hand, finger, leg, knee, ankle, foot, eye, ear, mouth, lips, nose, forehead, chin, eyebrow.
1- Body parts writing activity
2- Word search puzzle
3- Word scramble puzzle
Myths and Legends, Vocabulary Worksheet
Myths and Legends, Vocabulary Worksheet with the answer key
The words used in the worksheet are:
character, literature, climax, myth, comic strip, mythology, conflict, novel, creation, plot, fairy tale, poem, fictional, resolution, hero, setting, legend, supernatural, biography, god, king, villain, play, prince, theme, evil, box, mortal, humanity, earth.
Essen und Trinken, Buchstabensalat
Essen und Trinken, Buchstabensalat mit dem Lösungsschlüssel
(mit zusätzlicher Artikelübung)
31 Wörter zum Thema “Essen und Trinken”: die Banane, der Apfel, die Milch, das Brot, die Karotte, der Joghurt, die Tomate, der Käse, der Kopfsalat, das Ei, die Cola, die Butter, der Zucker, der Orangensaft, die Zitrone, das Mehl, der Fisch, die Wurst, der Mais, die Erdbeere, die Schokolade, der Pilz, das Olivenöl, die Gurke, die Zwiebel, der Kaffee, das Salz, das Wasser, der Tee, der Apfelsaft, die Olive.
Present Simple Daily Routines Worksheet
Present Simple Daily Routines Worksheet
4-page daily routines worksheet with the answer key
Schulsachen Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel
Schulsachen Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel
15 cards and 15 words: die Farbpalette, die Schere, das Heft, der Spitzer, der Bleistift, die Schultasche, das Buch, der Radiergummi, die Büroklammer, der Pinsel, der Marker, der Globus, das Lineal, der Hefter, das Mäppchen.
*DAZ, DAF, Deutsch, German, Schulsachen, Wortschatz, vocabulary, school supplies, school objects, game, fun activity, ich habe wer hat, printable.